Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why are You Protesting?

The Occupy Wall Street Movement has a different and unique meaning to each individual protesting.  However, we all have the collective goal of getting the greedy executives of publicly traded companies to get a drastic decline in their compensations.  Also, we want the regular employees, the people actually making money for the company, to get their share of the company's profits, not just the executives.  Come to this site and talk about what is frustrating you and what changes you want to see.  What does this Movement mean to you?  


  1. To me, OWS is the last, best hope to begin repairs on the rapidly-disintegrating status of democracy in the United States.

    By confronting corruption and demanding a removal of money from the political process, OWS has exposed some of the most cynical aspects of the US establishment; the defenders of the status quo seek to maintain the corporate stranglehold.

  2. There are just SO many things wrong in the world, and this occupy movement is a great start to make THEM make some changes.

  3. People all over the world are not standing for societal injustice anymore. Too long have we stood by, watching greed and commercialism triumph over our community. Too long have corporations wronged those who they employ. Too long have we been subjected to low-quality products, foods, etc., just for the capitalist wheel to keep on turning.

    In short, I am protesting for humanity!

  4. I am supporting OWS because it is also the best hope for me to see a start on a new, peaceful and just world. For me, the upcoming crises are world-wide and potentially cataclysmic and will not be solved by making changes to the existing structures of Empire.

    The domination hierarchy of Empire has been the de facto model for nation state governance for 5,000 years, has never served more than a small minority and has caused untold suffering in almost every case. It needs to be dismantled and abandoned in favour of a communal system based on co-operation, sharing and distributive justice. Currently, OWS appears to offer the best starting point for such a transformation.

  5. It can't be explained simply in one short written paragraph. It has been a long time in coming growing frustration and genuine concern for humanity. Follow me @kansasvoice to learn my story.

  6. no matter how much i studied, and what gpa i earned, my bachelor's degree did not guarantee me a job when i matter how hard i work and the amount of hours i put in at a menial job, i can barely afford to pay rent let alone pg&e, water, garbage, health care...FOOD...despite all my troubles, i am given NO TAX BREAKS, NO STUDENT LOAN BAIL OUTS...when i read that banks, corporations, CEO's are given the bail outs, i can't help but think- WHY?? i have, to this day, always lived below the poverty level and have overcome many obstacles- this is just another obstacle that i will NOT allow to stand in my way any long as i am healthy and able bodied, i will join the cause, the people who occupy through the freezing nights and mornings, who occupy through the rain, who occupy through the tear gas and police brutality because, in the end, they are doing this for ALL OF US...i MUST return the favor and do it for them, too...otherwise, i am working against my own best interest...and i am too poor to afford that

  7. See my thoughts over here:
    Keep up the good work - Occupy needs more signal amplifiers

  8. As witnessed in the middle east wellspring, the planet has gotten too small for dictators to hide their power and wealth hording. OWS is a simple manifestation of an evolving social consciousness that will no longer tolerate this imbalance. I've created a what next blog at MainStreetLeaders[dot]com. Your input is vital.

  9. I'm angry that so many opportunities have been taken away on a personal level for the average American. Angry at the daily struggles, limits, marginalizing, the stay-in-line "feel" of our time, imposed by the 1% through myriad and gradual attacks to erode citizens' rights, thereby increasing their own power and wealth. As Anonymous stated above, it can't be explained in one short paragraph...
